Less Care With Age
Finally found an answer to my question
New life comes into the world..
This life, often prioritized over the mother’s emotional and mental wellbeing,
The life that comes before all,
that we would risk our lives for..
A glimpse into their eyes,
or holding of our pinky fingers with their little hands is enough to bring immense joy
Girl or boy, they’re precious..
“Children are the future”,
Don’t we all have assumed responsibility to ensure that they’re protected?
As they have little to no understanding of the world around them, and their involvement in our futures is destined?
We’ve all been there before, but now we feel that the world does not care as much as it once did,
There was much more care, Love, and attention given when we were kids..
Lessons learned through life’s experiences,
and through life’s hardships, we formed opinions.
With age and growth, we gained power,
And this is where things began to change.